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Update November 30, 2018

I want to thank MEOW for helping me win, I need her. I did come
into the Catholic Church at Easter in l999.
And I did become a Knight of Columbus in 2001.
Fr. John and I are real good friends.
I and my parents did miss Sr. Jane
when she went to the Philippines.
She did many things for me.
She is in New Jersey now.

It is important to know that
Cerebral palsy is not a disease or illness.
It isn't contagious and it
doesn't get worse, but it is not
something you quote;
grow out of .quote;
Children who have Cerebral palsy
will have it all their lives


GLENN Guestbook




Dear all my ve
here my Reminder Good morning!
Thank you all so much for your support! Also I want to welcome new
supporters, glad to have you aboard.
It would be very much grateful for him to get some votes,
he's so proud of what he has accomplished by himself.I would think that someone who can't read or write and types with his feet,
deserves to win.
if you would, Please vote today.
And tomorrow Vote for GLENN SPRINGER and
send this letter to all your friends, Please
I want to thank MEOW for Payment MY MailingList Provider.
to receive my reminders!
Select your interests:
This group is for my dailies. Just owner can post on here. When you push on reply, all replies come to me




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I have made a VE Board. If you are interested, take a look and if you like it,



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